This cardigan was inspired by the lovely Aidez pattern with some cable modifications from this stunning Aran Cardigan.
This is one of the first pattern modifications I'd done, and these are my very own notes. My modifications are based on the medium size Aidez, as my gauge was a little smaller than called for in the pattern. The changes below could easily be worked for other sizes and gauges by adding or subtracting knit stitches at the sides of the body and sleeves.
This is one of the first pattern modifications I'd done, and these are my very own notes. My modifications are based on the medium size Aidez, as my gauge was a little smaller than called for in the pattern. The changes below could easily be worked for other sizes and gauges by adding or subtracting knit stitches at the sides of the body and sleeves.
2 skeins Cascade Eco+, 956 yds, Pumpkin Spice
US 9/5.5 mm 24" or longer circular needle
US 9/5.5 mm double pointed needles
Stitch markers
Tapestry needle
c4b : slip 2 stitches to cable needle, hold in back of work, knit 2, knit 2 from cable needle
c4f : slip 2 stitches to cable needle, hold in front of work, knit 2, knit 2 from cable needle
k : knit
k-tbl : knit 1 stitch through the back loop
k2tog : knit 2 stitches together (a decrease)
m1 : make 1 stitch (an increase)
p : purl
p-tbl : purl 1 stitch through the back loop
RS : right (front) side
sm : slip marker
ssk : slip 2 stitches knit-wise 1 at a time, insert left hand needle into the fronts of the slipped stitches and knit both stitches together (a decrease)
st(s) : stitch(es)
WS : wrong (back) side
Note: The sleeves are worked in the round on double pointed needles. The pattern is the same for both the right and left sleeves; make sure to make 2 sleeves.
With a new ball of yarn cast on 38 sts, pm at beginning and join to work in the round.
Ribbing Round: *k1, p1* to end of round.
Work ribbing 2.5"/6 cm.
Set Up Pattern Round: k12, k-tbl, p2, k4, p1, k4, p2, k-tbl, k11, m1. 39 sts.
Rounds 1 - 3: k12, k-tbl, p2, k4, p1, k4, p2, k-tbl, k12.
Round 4: k12, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k12.
Work sleeve in repeats of these 4 rounds, making increases as you like. (I made 2 increases every 4th round a total of 7 times. 53 sts.)
Continue working sleeve in established pattern until sleeve measures desired length. (I worked 24 repeats of the 4 round pattern, and ended after working the next Round 3.)
Leave a long tail and cut yarn. Slip 4 sts from beginning and end of round onto scrap yarn. 45 sts. Set sleeve aside.
Note: The body is worked flat in one piece on the circular needle.
With a new ball of yarn cast on 161 sts.
RS Ribbing Row: *k1, p1* to 1 st before end of row, k1.
WS Ribbing Row: *p1, k1* to 1 st before end of row, p1.
Work ribbing 2.5"/6 cm.
RS Pattern Set Up Row: (m1 anywhere on body, 162 sts) Right Front (42 sts): k3, k-tbl, p2, *k4, p1* 3 times, k4, p2, k-tbl, k14, pm; Back (78 sts): k7, k-tbl, p2, k4, p1, k4, p2, k-tbl, k2, k-tbl, p2, work 24 sts of Aran Cardigan Pattern C (beginning with Row 1), p2, k-tbl, k2, k-tbl, p2, k4, p1, k4, p2, k-tbl, k7, pm; Left Front (42 sts): k14, k-tbl, p2, *k4, p1* 3 times, k4, p2, k-tbl, k3.
WS Rows 1 & 3: work the sts as they are, making sure to work the RS k-tbl as WS p-tbl.
RS Row 2: work the sts as they are, continuing to work the Aran Cardigan Pattern C.
RS Row 4: k3, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p1, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k14, sm, k7, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k2, k-tbl, p2, work 24 sts of Aran Cardigan Pattern C, p2, k-tbl, k2, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k7, sm, k14, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p1, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k3.
Work body in repeats of these 4 rows, making sure to complete the full 15 row repeat of Aran Cardigan Pattern C.
Work body in established pattern until body measures desired length. (I worked 6 complete repeats of Aran Cardigan Pattern C, and ended after working the next Row 3; this way the smaller body cables will line up with the sleeve cables.)
Leave yarn attached. Slip 4 sts from either side of side markers onto scrap yarn. 38 sts at each front, 70 sts at back, 146 sts in total.
Raglan Shoulders
Note: The body and sleeves are joined together on Row 4 of the sleeve/smaller cable pattern, and Row 1 of Aran Cardigan Pattern C.
RS Raglan Row: (with attached yarn) work across right front in established pattern to 3 sts before end of front, k2tog, k1, pm/sm; working across right sleeve: k1, ssk, work across sleeve in established pattern to 3 sts before end of sleeve, k2tog, k1, pm/sm; working across back: k1, ssk, work across back in established pattern to 3 sts before end of back, k2tog, k1, pm/sm; working across left sleeve: k1, ssk, work across left sleeve in established pattern to 3 sts before end of sleeve, k2tog, k1, pm/sm; working across left front: k1, ssk, work across left front in established pattern to end of left front/end of row.
WS Row: work the sts as they are.
Work the RS Raglan Row 9 times, then stop decreasing at the front of the shoulder next to the collar; this will preserve the front cable pattern which will continue up along the collar.
Tapestry needle
c4b : slip 2 stitches to cable needle, hold in back of work, knit 2, knit 2 from cable needle
c4f : slip 2 stitches to cable needle, hold in front of work, knit 2, knit 2 from cable needle
k : knit
k-tbl : knit 1 stitch through the back loop
k2tog : knit 2 stitches together (a decrease)
m1 : make 1 stitch (an increase)
p : purl
p-tbl : purl 1 stitch through the back loop
RS : right (front) side
sm : slip marker
ssk : slip 2 stitches knit-wise 1 at a time, insert left hand needle into the fronts of the slipped stitches and knit both stitches together (a decrease)
st(s) : stitch(es)
WS : wrong (back) side
Note: The sleeves are worked in the round on double pointed needles. The pattern is the same for both the right and left sleeves; make sure to make 2 sleeves.
With a new ball of yarn cast on 38 sts, pm at beginning and join to work in the round.
Ribbing Round: *k1, p1* to end of round.
Work ribbing 2.5"/6 cm.
Set Up Pattern Round: k12, k-tbl, p2, k4, p1, k4, p2, k-tbl, k11, m1. 39 sts.
Rounds 1 - 3: k12, k-tbl, p2, k4, p1, k4, p2, k-tbl, k12.
Round 4: k12, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k12.
Work sleeve in repeats of these 4 rounds, making increases as you like. (I made 2 increases every 4th round a total of 7 times. 53 sts.)
Continue working sleeve in established pattern until sleeve measures desired length. (I worked 24 repeats of the 4 round pattern, and ended after working the next Round 3.)
Leave a long tail and cut yarn. Slip 4 sts from beginning and end of round onto scrap yarn. 45 sts. Set sleeve aside.
Note: The body is worked flat in one piece on the circular needle.
With a new ball of yarn cast on 161 sts.
RS Ribbing Row: *k1, p1* to 1 st before end of row, k1.
WS Ribbing Row: *p1, k1* to 1 st before end of row, p1.
Work ribbing 2.5"/6 cm.
RS Pattern Set Up Row: (m1 anywhere on body, 162 sts) Right Front (42 sts): k3, k-tbl, p2, *k4, p1* 3 times, k4, p2, k-tbl, k14, pm; Back (78 sts): k7, k-tbl, p2, k4, p1, k4, p2, k-tbl, k2, k-tbl, p2, work 24 sts of Aran Cardigan Pattern C (beginning with Row 1), p2, k-tbl, k2, k-tbl, p2, k4, p1, k4, p2, k-tbl, k7, pm; Left Front (42 sts): k14, k-tbl, p2, *k4, p1* 3 times, k4, p2, k-tbl, k3.
WS Rows 1 & 3: work the sts as they are, making sure to work the RS k-tbl as WS p-tbl.
RS Row 2: work the sts as they are, continuing to work the Aran Cardigan Pattern C.
RS Row 4: k3, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p1, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k14, sm, k7, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k2, k-tbl, p2, work 24 sts of Aran Cardigan Pattern C, p2, k-tbl, k2, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k7, sm, k14, k-tbl, p2, c4b, p1, c4f, p1, c4b, p1, c4f, p2, k-tbl, k3.
Work body in repeats of these 4 rows, making sure to complete the full 15 row repeat of Aran Cardigan Pattern C.
Work body in established pattern until body measures desired length. (I worked 6 complete repeats of Aran Cardigan Pattern C, and ended after working the next Row 3; this way the smaller body cables will line up with the sleeve cables.)
Leave yarn attached. Slip 4 sts from either side of side markers onto scrap yarn. 38 sts at each front, 70 sts at back, 146 sts in total.
Raglan Shoulders
Note: The body and sleeves are joined together on Row 4 of the sleeve/smaller cable pattern, and Row 1 of Aran Cardigan Pattern C.
RS Raglan Row: (with attached yarn) work across right front in established pattern to 3 sts before end of front, k2tog, k1, pm/sm; working across right sleeve: k1, ssk, work across sleeve in established pattern to 3 sts before end of sleeve, k2tog, k1, pm/sm; working across back: k1, ssk, work across back in established pattern to 3 sts before end of back, k2tog, k1, pm/sm; working across left sleeve: k1, ssk, work across left sleeve in established pattern to 3 sts before end of sleeve, k2tog, k1, pm/sm; working across left front: k1, ssk, work across left front in established pattern to end of left front/end of row.
WS Row: work the sts as they are.
Work the RS Raglan Row 9 times, then stop decreasing at the front of the shoulder next to the collar; this will preserve the front cable pattern which will continue up along the collar.
Continue working the RS Raglan Row at the sleeves and back of the body an additional 4 times, then stop decreasing at the sleeves; make 1 more decrease at the back (this should be Row 13 of Aran Cadigan Pattern C).
Work Rows 14 & 15 of Aran Cardigan Pattern C with no raglan decreases, working all other sts in established pattern.
Next RS Row: work across the first 31 sts of the right front in established pattern, bind off the remaining shoulder and back sts; work across the last 31 sts at the left front in established pattern to end of left front/end of row.
Leave the 31 sts at either side of the front on circular needle or transfer to double pointed needles.
WS Set Up Row: Left Collar: (with attached yarn) work across collar in established pattern to end of collar/end of row, m1. 32 sts. (This extra st becomes a selvedge st when sewing the collar onto the body.)
WS Set Up Row: Right Collar: (with a new ball of yarn) m1, work across right collar in established pattern to end of collar/end of row. 32 sts.
Continue working both sides of the collar in established pattern until collar pieces measure long enough to meet at the middle of the back. (I worked 8 complete repeats of the 4 row pattern, plus a couple of additional rows.)
With the tapestry needle and a long length of yarn, sew the collar pieces onto the bound off edge of the shoulders and back. Using Kitchener stitch, carefully join together the working edges of the collar pieces.
With the tapestry needle and using the long tails of yarn left from working the sleeves, graft together the sts from the sleeve and body sides of the underarms. Weave in all tails. Soak and block.
Work Rows 14 & 15 of Aran Cardigan Pattern C with no raglan decreases, working all other sts in established pattern.
Next RS Row: work across the first 31 sts of the right front in established pattern, bind off the remaining shoulder and back sts; work across the last 31 sts at the left front in established pattern to end of left front/end of row.
Leave the 31 sts at either side of the front on circular needle or transfer to double pointed needles.
WS Set Up Row: Left Collar: (with attached yarn) work across collar in established pattern to end of collar/end of row, m1. 32 sts. (This extra st becomes a selvedge st when sewing the collar onto the body.)
WS Set Up Row: Right Collar: (with a new ball of yarn) m1, work across right collar in established pattern to end of collar/end of row. 32 sts.
Continue working both sides of the collar in established pattern until collar pieces measure long enough to meet at the middle of the back. (I worked 8 complete repeats of the 4 row pattern, plus a couple of additional rows.)
With the tapestry needle and a long length of yarn, sew the collar pieces onto the bound off edge of the shoulders and back. Using Kitchener stitch, carefully join together the working edges of the collar pieces.
With the tapestry needle and using the long tails of yarn left from working the sleeves, graft together the sts from the sleeve and body sides of the underarms. Weave in all tails. Soak and block.
Thanks for this...I like yours much more than the original and may even try more mods of my own!
ReplyDeleteI love your version. Thank you so much